Safe Harbor & Safe Haven Bonus Guarantee annuities give you control over the duration of the annuity, which can be three, five, six, seven, ten or twenty years.

Our annuities also offer optional features that you are able to select to customize your plan— whereas most other annuities are loaded with features you don’t want or need, giving you a lower interest rate. With the Safe Harbor & Safe Haven Bonus Guarantee, you pay only for the features you want, making your interest rate higher and your payout greater.

Guaranteed Interest Rates

Safe Harbor & Safe Haven Bonus Guarantee annuities are single premium-deferred annuities that earn a fixed rate of interest, allowing your money to grow on a tax-deferred basis. Our annuities offer multiple guarantee periods to align with your specific needs and guarantees the interest rate for that entire guaranteed period.

Protection of Your Principal

The entire amount you invest goes to work for you immediately, earning a guaranteed rate for the period you select, regardless of what happens to the stock market or interest rates. As long as you hold your contract for the length of the guarantee period your principal and the interest you earn are guaranteed by the issuer.

Income Options

At the end of your initial guarantee period, you can withdraw your funds without incurring surrender charges or market value adjustment, renew your contract into a new guarantee period, or even convert your annuity into a stream of retirement income payments guaranteed for up to 20 years.

If you are seeking a simple, guaranteed way to build your retirement assets without the principal risk typically associated with stocks, bonds or mutual funds, we offer Safe Harbor and Safe Haven Bonus Guarantee Annuities. Please download the brochure for detailed information.

Safe Harbor Rates

Effective 11/20/2024

  All Other FL
3 Year (Rate) Year 1: 5.30%
Year 2+: 4.30%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.43%
Year 1: 5.00%
Year 2+: 4.00%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.16%
5 Year (Rate) Year 1: 5.90%
Year 2+: 4.90%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.65%
Year 1: 5.60%
Year 2+: 4.60%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.40%
6 Year (Rate) Year 1: 5.90%
Year 2+: 4.90%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.52%
Year 1: 5.75%
Year 2+: 4.75%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.40%
7 Year (Rate) Year 1: 6.05%
Year 2+: 5.05%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.53%
Year 1: 5.90%
Year 2+: 4.90%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.41%
10 Year (Rate) Year 1: 6.20%
Year 2+: 5.20%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 4.34%
Year 1: 6.05%
Year 2+: 5.05%
Effective**Compound Level Rate: 4.24%
20 Year (Rate) Years 1-5: 3.65%
Years 6-10: 4.65%
Years 11-15: 6.65%
Years 16-20: 7.65%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 3.85%
Years 1-5: 3.45%
Years 6-10: 4.45%
Years 11-15: 6.45%
Years 16-20: 7.45%
Effective** Compound Level Rate: 3.75%
Optional Riders Death Benefit Feature: 0.25% interest reduction

Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates may vary due to state regulations and taxes. Products, features, and riders may not be available in all jurisdictions. Refer to the policy for all terms and conditions. All Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Atlantic Coast Life Insurance Company.

*Death Benefit Feature is required in Florida and is priced into Florida rates. All Florida contracts are issued with the Death Benefit Feature. Owner's issue age 86-90 for the three, five, six, seven and ten year guarentee period and owner's issue age 70-75 for the twenty year guarentee period are required to purchase Death Benefit Feature. Special introductory cap in the state of Florida.

**Rounded to the second decimal place