Built for Guaranteed Income

In today’s challenging financial environment, many people are looking for reliable solutions for retirement income.

The Income Navigator AnnuitySM is a customizable fixed indexed annuity that offers guaranteed income for your lifetime through the selection of its optional Income Rider. As a fixed indexed annuity, the Income Navigator AnnuitySM provides you with the flexibility to participate in market growth while protecting your principal from market declines with a 0% floor. With the Income Navigator AnnuitySM you have the opportunity to build a custom solution that meets your unique needs, by pairing guaranteed income benefits with accumulation power through a variety of indexing strategies.


  • 7% Premium Bonus*

    When you purchase your Income Navigator AnnuitySM you will receive an automatic, one-time 7% Premium Bonus that is immediately credited to your Accumulation Account. This gives you an opportunity to earn additional interest and funds that you can access subject to your vesting and surrender schedule. Additionally, when you purchase the Income Rider, the one-time 7% bonus is credited to the Income Account Value as well.

  • Income Rider*

    Built for guaranteed income, the Income Navigator AnnuitySM offers annual income, called Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit payments, through the selection of the optional Income Rider at purchase.

    Income payments under this rider are available as soon as the first year, for anyone age 55 or older. When you elect to receive payments under the Income Rider, you have the option to select a single life payout for you or a joint life payout for you and your spouse.

    Income Rider Benefits:

    The optional Income Rider provides a number of benefits to policyholders:

    • The Income Account Value is immediately credited the 7% premium bonus for a higher starting point for growth.
    • The Income Account Value compounds annually by a 7% roll up rate, which is guaranteed for 10 years.
    • You can never outlive the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdraw Benefit once income benefits begin.
    • Once income benefits begin, you can still receive income even if the accumulation value of your policy is ZERO. Withdrawals in addition to your income payments may reduce or eliminate your Lifetime Annual Income.
  • Spousal Continuation

    If you purchase the Income Rider and pass away, your spouse can continue to benefit from this Rider. Your surviving spouse may choose to either:

    (a) Surrender the Base Policy and receive the current Accumulation Value in a lump sum or any other payout option available in the Base Policy; or

    (b) continue receiving Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits while they are alive in the same amount until the Income Account Value and the Accumulation Value are reduced to zero.

*Premium bonus is subject to vesting schedule. Inclusion of the income rider subject to age restriction.

Income Navigator Rates

Effective 4/11/2023

Premium Bonus Base Contract: 7.00%
With Income Rider: 7.00%
Interest Rate Guarantees
1st Year Rate 2.75%
Current Rate Guarantee 1 Yr
Index/Benchmark S&P 500®
Participation Rates 100%
Caps Annual Point-to-Point Cap: 4.00%
Monthly Averaging Cap: 4.00%
Daily Averaging Cap: 4.00%
Monthly Sum Cap: 1.70%
Optional Riders and Cost Income Rider: 1.50% fee

Interest rates are subject to change without notice. Quoted rates may vary due to state regulations and taxes. Products, features, and riders may not be available in all jurisdictions. Refer to the policy for all terms and conditions. All Guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of Atlantic Coast Life Insurance Company.

Income Navigator has a 10-year surrender schedule. Premium bonuses are subject to a vesting schedule. Inclusion of the income rider subject to age restriction.